Friday 12th April, 2024
A recent poll conducted suggested that most respondents have never been involved in a Strategic Review.
Should they have?
The start of March is the perfect time for a strategic review. January passes in a flash, making February is the first full month of trading for most businesses.

So, the big question arises – is everything going according to plan?
If you are in front, that’s brilliant! However, it is essential to consider whether the plan be adjusted to reflect this progress and maximise opportunities. Conversely, if you are falling behind, now is the opportune time to reassess the plan. It is far easier to correct a slow start after 2-3 months rather than to wait until months 6-9 to attempt to recover.
Having completed the first couple of months of the year, employees should be well up to speed and working to the plan.
Some will be excelling (could they be incentivized to do more?), while others my be already behind and need assistance or a nudge in the right direction.
In either case, the importance of reacting now will enable changes to be made and improvements to begin. It is far easier to correct these issues after 2-3 months rather than waiting till months 6-9 to try and recover.
After the Xmas break some employees return reinvigorated and ready to go, whilst others are a bit slower to get back up to speed.
Having clear expectations, Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) in place, and ensure that they are on the right track. Reviewing these KPI’s regularly is imperative for maximising potential success.
Reviewing early in the year provides companies with the opportunity to check in with employees and ensure that they are on the right track. Employees who are in front could be encouraged to do more, whilst those behind can easily loose motivation if they perceive a recovery as too hard.
It is far easier to correct any issues after 2-3 months rather than waiting till month 6-9 to try and then looking for a recovery.
In many companies, the current plan was set up to 6 months ago prior to the start of the new financial year. But what if the assumptions made then were incorrect? What if a particular area of the business has excelled past its perceived level and could do more with some focus?
This is a great reason to conduct a review at this time of year. Staff have had their summer break, and it is now time to turn on the afterburners and maximise potential.
The “bullets and cannonballs analogy” by Jim Collins is a great example of how a company can identify key growth areas and pivot toward these to exceed perceived levels of performance.
During a recent conversation with a contact nearing retirement age, they commented that their company has no plan in place for when they or the 4-5 other employees in similar positions retire.
How many of your staff are in this position? It is a safe assumption that people of this generation are more likely to have been with companies for long periods of time and hold valuable experience that will be lost when they leave. How long will it take for appropriate handovers to take place?
As a minimum, Operation Manuals should be dusted off and reviewed to make sure all current processes have been updated. But identifying potential replacements and establishing a handover process is the next step.
With nearly 30 years’ experience we can help. Reach out to us at or phone 0468 794 040 for a no obligation chat.
“If you are in front, that’s brilliant! However, it is essential to consider whether the plan be adjusted to reflect this progress and maximise opportunities. ”
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